He Tangata – Our People
Te Pae Tawhito – Our Past
Te Pae Tāwhito is the foundation for our journey. In this phase, we reflect on our roots and embrace our history to shape our future.
Ōhaaki – our legacy
The Te Tawa Kaiti history influences our identity, encompassing the battles over land ownership and governmental interventions. Notable in this historical tapestry are the visits from Ta Apirana Ngata. His influence is reflected in the naming of the wharenui at Ōwhakatoro Marae. The hui that took place in the 1970s with government officials and Ngāti Rongo, focusing on consolidating our whenua, was of significant importance.
Challenges & Transformations in Dairy Farming
The Tūhoe region has witnessed challenges in dairy farming, including whenua scarcity and cattle mismanagement. Early attempts at dairy farming faced obstacles, and the pakeke were concerned about the potential loss of whenua if not utilised properly.
28th Influence
The Ngāti Rongo 28th Māori Battalion veterans, revered for their WWII bravery, played pivotal roles post-war in the Ngāti Rongo whenua discussions. Leveraging wartime experiences, they provided leadership in land consolidation, emphasising cultural preservation and sustainable development. Their war-learned skills aided in bridging community divisions and guiding productive land utilisation.
Ngā Marae o Ngāti Rongo
Connections with Ngāti Rongo entities, Ōwhakatoro, Tataiwhetu, and Te Tawa Kaiti form an essential bond that reinforces the continuity of our values and practices.
Our Marae, including Owhakatoro, Paneteure, and Tauarau Marae Marae, are vital to Ngāti Rongo. They hold our mātauranga, each reflecting parts of our history and identity. These marae are places where people come together to celebrate, mourn, learn, and share korero. They connect us to our whenua and symbolise our shared strength and unity. We carry on the legacy of our tupuna.
Te Hanga o te Whare – Organisational Structure